Friday, November 11, 2011

"Scratch That. Reverse It"

willy wonka, duh! come on guys.

ok i'm weird, thats not a problem.

I have a whole lotta photos and events that have not yet been documented on this dear blog of mine so I thought I get them all out in one big post. tacky? probably, but it's the only way they are all going to get on here before I leave for ATL in just 5 DAYS! wooo! so here we go, try and keep up ;)


Dog the Bounty Hunters House! Bryan really knows the way to my heart :)

& it feels so good!
logan ut temple

grizzly man
kinda miss my hairz

bryans favorite mission companion got married!

katie (bryans sister) & I have our birthdays in the same week

we bought her "the official illustrators guide" for twilight

"I'd rather have a job than a beard"

standard gus snuggling; i love it so much

pop & son bonding time

my lovely in laws took me to lunch at a place called "sauce"

so yummy

life is hard, deciding what dessert to eat in the middle of the day

I chose a fruit tart, they're my favorite
my sweet hub took me on a date
I got the red snapper & the buffalo burger
bryan got a short rib & the cheesiest grilled cheese sandwich
the most perfect cupcakes I've ever tasted, really

afterwards we went to see Arizona's finest stand up comedy. we were actually impressed!

this is the end of my very random blog entry & I'm satisfied with the results. hope you are too!


  1. Um.. just FYI, my birthday is in February and I sure wouldn't mind the same thing you got your sis in law hahaha JK I love your blog posts even if they are random pictures of your guys' fun adventures! Miss you guys <3

  2. love your dress you are sporting at the temple! super cute.

  3. uhhh that food is killing me right now. I can't tell you how much I even miss cereal and normal milk. Also, I am so happy you and Bryan were finally reunited. And you look so cute with your nice lipstick and red dress.
